venue: GV plaza sing (only preview not premiere)
won from: xin.sg
what I had to do: if I din rmb wrongly, its oso just fill in particulars. dun even noe why i joined the contest =.=
eh...chinese show with Leon Lai and Zhang Ziyi. hmm...dun rly like opera stuff n worse, Leon Lai seemed so gay inside the movie, although he is supposedly like romantically linked with two women (SPOILERS! note: zhang ziyi is not his wife). wow for a guy that gay looking and sounding, got two lovers..qiang ah! haha ohya and their voices...leon lai one mebe i believe it might just be really him. but zhang ziyi's voice is like too rough and abit too low at points (SPOILERS! she is famous for being an opera singer who sings male parts though she is female while leon lia's char mei lan fang is famous for singing woman parts though he is a guy)
somehow during the movie i had flashes of "the king and the clown" that korean movie, appearing in my head..u noe the one where lee junki acted as a feminine guy who got raped/molested by some king guy (waliew...that was disgusting and perverse of the movie director). this mei lan fang reminds mi of that movie cuz like SPOILERS! got one jap guy that "admires" mei lan fang's talents god noes admire or wad la but should b admiration since he shld noe MLF has a wife thus he shldnt be too wai~ then cuz its a true story with some history inside then MLF was supposed to be very patriotic to his country then when the jap guy asked for a perf by him, he rejected cuz the jap were invading china at that point in time, if i nvr remb wrongly.
n acc to wiki, some parts were controversial (duno if can shoot in the movie or not kind, sounds familiar to the jet li's hua yuan jia?) like the part abt MLF having a lover outside of his marriage (though in the movie, i dun rmb them ahem-ing or even kissing, it seemed like those artistic show of affection like singing opera stuff n the girl(singing guy part) to the guy(singing girl part) total loss of identity =.= then the real MLF's relative aka in this case his son, say can depict all parts of his life provided its done with respect. i guess the director did justice in that sense, cuz the lover part wasnt portrayed lustfully, more of like "TRUE" love but already married to another so cldnt shrink responsibility either. wow how loyal =.=
one thing i like abt the movie is that it shows how novelty may surpass originality, SPOILERS! cuz MLF battled his shifu with the same script but different portrayal of characters. the shifu continued his old-fashioned method as he thinks that the audience will not welcome the change in portrayal, while MLF insists that there must be changes for improvement. eventually, can guess la hor, there were changes in mindsets in the people of old days and they liked MLF's portrayal more and thus he won the bet and his shifu had to retreat frm the scene or sth. the shifu like buay tahan and in the end committed suicide drama sia =.= disclaimer: if i nvr rmb wrongly...
all in all, its ok-ok. hate opera like mi then nid earplugs cuz they sing quite alot. and betwn leon lai and zhang ziyi's chars, it occurs super rdmly, they just start singing for fun =.= no moral of the story to learn here though, more of a historical recount of some true story + showing how ppl becum more open to new ideas and stuff...not worth it to spend $$ to watch :)
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