first the issue with SM ent and DBSK =.= keep pushing blame here and there la...i secretly support SM ent lor as in if they really supported DBSK in terms of their clothings for perfs, lodging in overseas hotels and local dormitries, makeup, sets for their shows + most imptly plastic surgery then DBSK shldnt be too sour abt getting more than the avg person for these yrs..i mean they're just selling talent, not like hard labour. n its good that they actually do have talent. think of the ppl who have minimal talent, just a face or wad then they're earning alot, cheating fans' money. actually, nt cheating. the fans are stoopid enuff to follow them. ok mebe my view is warped or wad. cassies dun bash mi. im someone who believes that we're living in a unbalanced world. construction workers shld be paid alot more than doctors in my opinion cuz the former is doing real hard labour and they nid food. the latter, if its those in clinics de, just ask ppl to open their mouths, say ah, then compare their symptoms to those they memorised off books n make a judgment. i agree that those surgeons and wad are more high positioned shld get more pay la. they're doing stuff that will affect human lives. same with construction workers wad, they work so hard so as to build the foundation for our buildings so they dun crumple as easily. if they were slack abt their jobs, millions wld die too. actually politicians are seriously the highest paid ppl that are not actually worth paying. haiz but wad can we say? they are the rulers (and erasers =.=) their decisions do help the citizens at times too, but we'll nvr noe if they have vested interests in something they decide for the country, on behalf of the millions. ok end my take on this SM-DBSK saga, ppl be content if ure above avg, dun go compraining n let less fortunate ppl feel more unfortunate.
ok now movie!!

venue: Shaw orchard that one? (damn lan4 this prize, only movie, its not preview not premiere, somemore shaw that theatre sucks, that particular one at least cuz the room damn small, screen too high, my neck gonna break)
won from: msn
what i had to do: answer some qn abt how much i wan to watch this movie i think. then i said stuff abt daniel craig...=D
ok erm mebe shaw sucks or wad but u noe they had like german language i tink inside the movie, the front part hors...totally no subtitles cldnt understd ONE word. only abit into the movie then got some subtitles. heng the front part not ALL converse in german or i wun understd a thing. the other lead is that guy who act inside Xmen origins wolverine as sabertooth. anw, story line wise hmm ok la like classic war true story made into movie liddat, in the end ppl fight thru all these to becum stronger n finally they manage to regain their freedom blah blah. liked how daniel craig's character had to start building his leadership skills cuz def will have ppl not supporting him...overall its only okok cuz not a lot of touchy touchy stuff happen either. unlike in pearl harbour that kind, forgot if its true story or not but it was quite touching how he can give up his life n hand over the responsibilities to his friend. n that stoopid woman who so lucky has such wonderful guys that love her. ok back to defiance, got a damn large movie poster with the complimentary tix but since its not like a screenshot of daniel craig's coming-out-of-the-sea scene in james bond, haha its only okok. i just like the "freedom begins with an act of defiance" tagline. sounds cool and inspiring ;)
ok another movie!

venue: GV marina
won from: msn again!
what i had to do: eh write abt who is ur role model i think...forgot le but i tink i said Anne Hathaway.
ok this one least its at GV marina and quite big de theatre too not too bad. n its preview, 3 days ahead. ok first NC 16 movie i think. n i noe why aft watchin. got some nudity n vulgarities. sometimes i dun get why movie directors wan to get such ratings on their movies and restrict the no. of ppl watching it. only brings the revenue down, no? but yea its a no-brainer kind of comedy n mebe has some moral of the story kinda thing too as the guys try to make up for jailtime by doing something like CIP, being mentor to two weird kids. one damn UN-innocent n one very obsessed with cosplay kinda thing, only worse cuz they meet up and have "real-life" wars as well =.= n i love the part where Danny (Paul Rudd) was taught the wrong thing by the kid: the kid taught him to try to appease his gf by saying stuff which includes the term "whispering eye" which was revealed to actually mean vagina =.= i just dudiao-ed like WTH?! overall it was a nice comedy laugh my head off at times then oso got lesson learnt, dun be so uptight, must learn to relax~ =D
ok now i must rant...this one nvr see on allkpop or just missed it but waliew...dinnoe shinee plagiarised so many songs...disappointed now. just dun tell mi amigo is oso plagiarised de. cuz dun sound very korean too...actually shinee de songs all dun really have korean feel ah~ =.= somemore this one is like totally same name =.= waliew forever or tink i set this as my ringtone T.T
SHINee's version
CINEMA BIZZARE's version (watch in HQ)
ok erm 1:45 disgusting...n sorta reminds mi of Mirotic by DBSK =.= n i hope that the lead wld stop moving ard so weirdly makes him gay not cool
anyway this grp the names all sound so jap haha they're actually german grp.
Strify (b. on August 20, 1988) – vocals
Kiro (b. on January 11, 1988) – bass
Yu (b. on December 29, 1988) – guitar
Shin (b. on December 12, 1989) – drums
Romeo (b. on August 4, 1988) – keyboard
n romeo reminds mi of shinee's juliette =.=
hmm their songs are ok, just as long as the vocalist can stop acting this video, the keyboardist is even more gay...only the guitarist or bassist (carn really tell which, its the one in red hair, not bleached hair) seems more man haiz...
german guys have damn sharp features...but then agn all angmohs have rite hahaz wondering if they'll look nice with shorter hair..hmmthe vocalist sorta reminds mi of somebody forgot who...omg ok i noe le!! westlife's shane! only abit la...minus the long hair shld be look like. duno =.=
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