so goddamn long since i posted. for starters, that was cuz my com crashed n it has been crashing ever since that first crash like a few weeks back i think. then my dad retained my entertainment-cum-studies harddisk drive n reformatted the C drive. so i basically lost all the links too. n mind u, i have tons of allkpop links that i saved to watch another time (which erm i nvr did anyway...). these links included the ones to gml's blog, jolyn's blog n my own blog =.= n i sian to go n save the link agn aft my com repaired temporarily aft that reformatting. then so using the lappie for all the times my com has failed me ever since. n lappie hard to type too, must keep checking to make sure there're no spaces left out and stuff liddat.
ok first: omg yea i din come to this blog until todae n ytd saw russell on survivor and was suspecting if it was him.
farnie ah my mum, cuz i saw those night vision kinda scene then asked my mum she noe wad show that was or not cuz i was poring over my korean assignment while watching tv (which is definitely not effective, if anyone reading this hasnt learnt such a lesson yet. multitasking nvr works.) n missed the title of the show. i think b4 that it was showing america's toughest job which is so cool man, ytd they went to some ice-capped mountains can really learn survival skills. a very unique reality show =D
ok anw back to survivor, my mum said it was heroes =.= i dudiaoed like HUH?! theres actually a reality show with night vision that is named heroes?! n i saw a scene that was a russell-look-alike hugging some woman while slping. n then aft all that night vision thingy. they had the name of the team in survivor font "heroes" then i zZzZzZ =_= even more hahaha.
as the show went on i saw more familiar faces like that rupert guy n parvati n ben(? was it ben? forgot the name) n candice, guess they were in some of the survivor seasons that i did follow more closely. n then i started to realise..."is this like some kinda second chance at 1million bucks thing?!" then i saw the other grps name villains. woah. nice man...then i started to think eh shit that means taht was really russell. n i tot he was saying that he din wan his kids to think that he was really the kind of person he was on survivor - scheming n using others. but here he is, a second chance n he's hugging other women to slp. hey mate, did u just divorce ur wife n lost custody to ur son just cuz u werent the big winner last season? *rolls eyes* now sorta hate him le. n parvati, ure the ultimate slut man. case closed. ure not even classic beauty. i think candice is so much chio-er, n she's on the heroes team =D i forgot how candice was like n whether i hated her though @.@
ok second part of this gonna-be-super-duper-long post :)
lightning thief!!! ok movie officially sucks now. thanks to jo, i had a chance to read frm the first book (i already read the third book in this series) n to follow thru in the actual order. im ard 1/3 thru now since i started todae abit. n waliew...i found a lot of different stuff le (excluding wad jo has already told mi in advance). i mean its not exactly bad if u differ frm the book or wad. but its not satisfactory for this one. cuz the whole essence of the story changed. n characters seem different (im already not including the age difference in this argument...) personality-wise.
basically, the scriptwriters suck.
they din explain enuff stuff in the movie in my opinion. thanks to mi finishing the third book b4 i caught the movie, i understand some bits n pieces of the movie. perhaps its oso thanks to the fact that we missed ard 15mins of the movie the front part (dun ask mi why =.=) but acc to jo, not much explaining or wad in the first part too ah...argh ok for eg. they cld have had percy ask annabeth n grover wad a drachma was (the currency the gods n the mythical world use btw) but he din. n they just took them frm medusa's lair without explaining the use =.=
the personality thing, grover is so different sia. in the book, he sounds like a helpless often-bullied older-than-his-grade-level guy but inside the movie he so hip n happening sia. == n i srs dun think the relationship btwn annabeth n percy is supposed to start getting romantic here.
to make things worse, given that i first n ONLY read the third book in the series (percy jackson and the curse of the titans), i already understood alot abt this new world. cuz in the 3rd book, the readers' POV was very conveniently taken over by percy, who was still pretty new to this world n had questions here n there abt stuff. n for stuff that most probably were introduced in the first two books, percy wld helpfully repeat wad they were in his own head, allowing us to make discoveries n refresh our memories as the book goes on. thats the good thing abt this series.
i forgot abt harry potter, but i think it wld have been more challenging to enter the magical realm in the middle of the series? im not sure since i sorta started frm the first book thanks to ceci. oh wait, i din. i started frm the sixth book, order of phoenix. its sixth rite. n it was in word doc format. pain for my eyes. n it was super duper descriptive that i gave up cuz aft a few chap harry was still at the dursleys. but i understood abit of this world at that time due to the movies that were already out at that time so its an unfair comparison i guess. im assuming that if i knew nuts abt HP then if i started at order of phoenix, there're technical jargon n oso characters that i wld catch no ball abt.
in a nutshell yea, if the third book in a series can do better than a movie to introduce people to a whole new world (yea nice song), that movie definitely sucks. that was oso wad was good abt the first few movies abt HP i guess, they introed the world real well. until u realise that the books contained much more info. but it started getting dull at the end of the HP series. hopefully, this percy jackson series dun disappoint. cuz im expecting it to be as fun as reading the first parts. because the author use more dialogue n oso more humor n everyday references than JK rowling so its more interesting to the teenage mind thats burdened with eqns n figures frm sch T.T (n which is not gonna stay at teenage forever)
perhaps one redeeming point abt the scriptwriters, is their humor too. some parts were farnie, thanks to grover most of the time but the rest were ok too. the percy actor sorta gave off a cocky feel thruout the movie rather than being confused n angry at not being told the truth earlier that kinda feel. so i sorta hated him. though i think he still looks shuai-er than that luke guy. i particularly loved "Son of Poisedon eh? I dated your daddy." from Medusa XD
ok now for my fangirling haah.
kara. ure srs on my hate list now. though i think their "lupin" do sound better than snsd's "oh!" but given that it was sorta lik ripped off some other song (allkpop hasnt followed up on whether it was an actual sample of the song or a plagiarism attempt that failed to escape netizens, n im oso lazy to go check out their album website n stuff to see if its a sample so im assuming its plagiarism. cuz no matter wad. copying is copying. whether u give credit or not), im not giving it much praise. but yea the verse part sounds nice, n i think that wasnt ripped off that other song i believe. at least its not the act cute pop that they usually produce. snsd disappointed mi with this song cuz for both gee n genie, there were the alternate ending (harmonisation) at the last verse or chorus of the songs with taeyeon jessica seohyun the pro singers harmonising with different lyrics/tune while the rest of the group continues the normal song. it sounded nice n it showed the talents. but no such thing from oh!. haiz..
snsd's oh! abit unbearable at times due to sunny's n hyoyeon's erxin singing, n yoona's monotone. n somehow the choreo not as tight during their perfs now. sad. issit lack of practice? plus the dance nothing special too when i first watched the MV. no signature move liddat. for gee n genie oso both got. oh n the ending, the height differences really shows =.=
for kara, the one live perf i watched of them, jiyoung sang quite ok. so im happie haha. n seungyeon's hair looks nice now too. plus those eyeshadow n eyeliner give off mature vibe. but in the MV was so irritating, carn tell her n nicole apart sometimes.
ok kara seriously stole shinee;s moves man. in my opinion la. that chorus part kao4 eh. n now its being named their signature "emergency exit" move. argh. just because shinee din set that "ding ding ding" part as their signature move n instead used the "ring ding dong" part, they can so openly steal it? argh. ok mebe im just biased against kara. but yea. others do agree with mi i realised. aft looking at the comments of a post on allkpop (which i rarely do), lotsa ppl find it similar to that of shinee's too.
n the front rapping part by nicole? it sounds like T-ara. from their first album the song "come to play" i think. i rmb the lyrics somehting like "T-ara come together. we got our name from our sound...everybody get up high, raise ur hands up in the sky. we're faster, stronger, i noe u like that" ok that wasnt accurate i think but its the most i rmb. rapping isnt supposed to sound the same == but good thing for once i think the engrish became english. but i think it went back to sucky at their other song "umbrella" if i rmb correctly. the minimal engrish inside.
ok here are the songs i mentioned.
this was the sampling/plagiarism issue song:
ok woo so there's oso similarities to pussycat dolls' jai ho acc to that same poster on youtube. jo, is this wad u found familiar with that "turn it up" part or have u found that song that sounds similar for that part? if so, we've another song to look at. kara's composers n dance choreographer, ure all so dead.
and here's shinee's dance moves. watch at 0:21/ 0:22 that small shot there u shld see that "signature" move of kara now.
n heres the rap part by t-ara. its right at the front.
i chose a better oh! performances cuz for some, sunny's part was really quite ear-torturing. n this one all has different clothes n the stage looks nicer too.
and just for fun. theres this cute didi haha
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