Firstly some updates of photos from watching “Inception” at GV Grand…the despicable me cutouts and designs around the screens were so cute!!!

Sad that the cutout was blocked by the two stands…


=D won preview tix from to go watch after shock. At first I tot it was some Korean movie haha duno why, but got that impression. Maybe cuz the poster girl looked quite Korean O.o anw abt the poster, yea it looks freaky but its not a horror film…=-=
This is another example of a trailer not doing the movie any justice…haha but then again, this movie is like all about the emotional aspect with a message that would be hard to convey in a mere 1minute. Inception’s trailers din explain much too but its lik a different thing cuz for inception, its just too confusing haha n the most that they could come up with was telling us roughly what inception n extraction is in that 1minute.
Finally watching in the actual gv max haha not the gvmax we tot we were going for inception =-=
We got seats considered quite in front and well it was ok but abit straining on the neck cuz u have to look up quite abit. and…when ure focusing on the subtitles u sorta lose focus on the actors n their facial expressions =-= n trust me, even for Chinese, you might have to look at the subtitles at times…basically they talk in a weird Chinese accent. It’s not the normal accent that you hear Chinese from china speak…more like a kinda dialect tone from rural china? It has a more flat tone rather than the tongue rolling accent heard here…
Ok review abt the movie…
Basically the story a mum’s choice years ago to sacrifice a girl to save her twin brother during an earthquake. The mother thought she was dead but somehow she survived and was hurt deeply. She was reluctant to ever find her family again even with persuasion from her foster family.
Even my dad said that it’s nice! Haha n he started to promote it to his friends XD its quite touching at some parts n I did shed a tear or two haha not sure abt dad though…
Movie was around 2 hours long, though it felt longer. Felt even longer than inception…maybe cuz the storyline doesn’t really set us thinking. U more or less know what’s gonna happen n so on while for inception it engages u on another level n more levels XD thinking abt dreams now…some parts of “after shock” I felt they could cut away…for e.g. the guy senior of the girl. I dun really get wad his presence in the movie is for =-= cuz somehow I dun see the girl getting very sad or wad over him wanting her to abort the child they conceived while they were still in university…n so wad if she’s sad, it sorta digresses from the main plot anyway. Only reason I can think up of is that this was to show that the foster father really does love her. Because after the split from that guy, she left home for quite a while n didn’t contact her foster father, n when she came back he was lik overjoyed n mad that she din even call him at all too…but still, abit redundant IMO. N all the Mao stuff in the movie…wow ahha I noe its ard the mao era there for 1976 but erm actl dunnid to show him oso can de…ltr ppl think trying to promote communism or wad then u see wad happen =-=
After the movie, I started thinking abt the question I asked my mum b4…if other parents loved their children unequally. Favouritism n the like. She asked her other friends n they said that it wasn’t abt loving who more n who less but more of like a different kind of love for each child…im presuming its lik “oh, ure clever, u bring mi face, I love u”, “oh ure so guai, I love you though ur grades shame me”. totally materialistic parental thinking. but seriously, if u have more than one child who’s gonna die, n u cld only save one who would u save? So hard to decide huh.
The farnie thing abt saving whoever is that, lik in the movie, the twin bro who got saved turned out disabled with an arm missing while the girl who is supposedly dead survived, totally intact. N I dun understand how the mother cld not feel her girl’s breathing or pulse as she wailed n carried her to place her beside the dead. Its abit =-= that that girl could survive n everyone thought she was dead…medics useless hor?
Movie is not as dead as it looks in the trailer haha its not ur typical happy ending movie with vibrant colors n stuff. It’s basically quite dark with more grayish colors and although it’s a happy ending kinda story n has a very predictable plot, the acting brings the movie alive n u can feel the emotions of the characters well. My dad praised the mother for her acting XD n make up is good, ahha the movie spans over a period of 32 years by the way. Lik frm 1976 the Tangshan earthquake to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. The movie itself does contain bits of humor here n there that gets the whole cinema sniggering for a few seconds. N I actl liked the accent though it was troublesome to keep looking at subtitles ahah cuz it’s a fresh kinda tone I guess…n it makes the movie more realistic…
Wow ok read wiki, think the superb acting lead woman (the mother), xu fan, is like the wife of the director, feng xiaogang O.o n the woman who acted as the twin girl when she was older is really chio sia… haha saw she like got abit of freckles so tot she mixed blood + her English in the movie wasn’t really those Chinese-american accent ones…but I tink cuz she learnt it in some pro institute that’s why ba…
Ok to sum up, really good la, can give it a try. Might be a bit draggy at some parts for some ppl though. N it takes a while before the earthquake starts XD I tink ard 30minutes was dedicated to the prelude of the 1976 earthquake. But its sorta impt to show the relationship betwn the twins n the relationships within the family I guess…
Movie releasing today (29th July 2010) according to this => since its past 12midnite now ahha sleepz ZZZZZ
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