preview on 6 June thanks to omy.sg =D
releases tomorrow in Singapore WATCH IT WATCH IT!!!
at first I seriously thought it was lalaland =-=, thus I tot it was a dreamland haha well mebe im not far from it, since laddaland is e name of some property area, e dream of e lead, but turns out to be a nightmare. Its all landed property but its overall guarded by a security guard in a guardhouse with carpark barriers, tis becomes a joke later as e guard is shown manually lifting up e barrier HAHAH, n as if voicing out my thoughts someone at e back of e theatre commented in chinese "wah, ownself do de wor?" XD
ok synopsis first..
Supposedly, this guy, Thee, is too poor to afford own housing for the family and has been living in rented homes with his wife n a young frigging cute son. He has a teenage daughter but due to his mother-in-law's objection of him not being able to afford their own house/feed themselves/etc etc, e girl is separated from them since god noes when, so their relationship is pretty strained. dun ask mi why e boy was left with them haha, mebe there's a reversal n people now like girls more than guys woots! ahem ok, so, Thee found sme job (tt totally looks lik those job tt turns n cheat u back right frm e start =-= duno y he so trusting) which supposedly pays better n he found this landed property tts more affordable too, n e whole family can stay together, happy rite?
NO. cuz sme maid is terribly mutilated n stuffed in a fridge in his neighbourhood n so got some haunting going on~ haha n they see things etc, e basic scares, shldnt spoil it, tho there's nothing much to spoil abt scares, reading it wun scare u =-= BOO!

ok from here on, major plot SPOILERS + review COMBINED~
thing is there's arguments between Thee n Nan (his teenage daughter with a rebellious streak n disrespect for her dad due to her grannys nice teachings abt how useless n poor a dad he is). e arguments are mainly abt seeing ghosts n whether or not she is lying abt them. end up, she gets called back to her granny's n Thee is left devastated as he is trying so hard to keep e 4 of them together.
now add in e fact tt his job is going down e drain (lik it wasnt obvs at e start haiz, so easy to cheat) n his salary is getting delayed while his bills for e hse keeps coming in; his direct neighbour is weird, there's 4 members (dad, mom, granny, son), n later they DIE n add onto e haunting lik fuel to fire haha; his son is playing with e neighbour's son with an interesting name GOLF haha n note, even AFTER e boy is dead; his wife is trying to help out with the family finances n is thinking of going back to work but he suspects an affair with her ex-boss. i think all these shld be enuff reason for him to go bonkers or at least suffer from depression n delusion, which all eventually leads to e very sad (IMO) ending.

ok, so in e midst of all these mess, Thee buys a gun. Though it wasn't cuz of him being depressed yet. He bought it cuz it was right aft it was discovered tt e maid at one of houses has been brutally murdered n disfigured, n some burglar wearing a disfigured-face mask broke into his hse =-= (it was actl sme kid, i think his daughter, carn see properly tho stature seems to suggest her + i tot i saw e "burglar" ran up e stairs aftwards haha) Out of fear n for self-protection, he bought e gun.
Haha it was actl quite scary then suddenly frigging farnie here haha cuz at first we were introduced to sme new technology of e aircon where there's this "magic eye" tt senses n follows e person, blowing cold air. so one night, he was sitting there n e magic eye refuses to turn to him indefinitely, so there was someone/something in e room with him *cue: oohhh~* he turns n he gets frightened by a glimpse of a disfigured face (so do we). he chases IT into dead end of e kitchen n IT turns n points a small knife at him, Thee picks up a larger knife n taunts before IT grabs a sauce bottle n throw it against his forehead, totally pwning him
ok paiseh, back to e gun. so we hear nothing of e gun for a while, while there were a few trips into e haunted hse, where e maid was killed, by both Nan n her frens n Thee, perhaps Nat too, tho it wasnt shown. Nan's frens taunt her n they go into e hse n then lure her in, pranking her, but in e end, all of them run out screaming aft one of e fren supposedly saw something. This happened late at nite, aft Nan's supposed "project" with her frens n her frens were sending her back home. So Nan runs back home scared, n e next day tells Thee tt she saw a ghost, he doesnt believe her, n then later tries to force her into e haunted hse agn, aft which we get some scares n then Nan's granny demands to have her stay with her during e weekdays. During this period, Thee lost his job as his employee fled, not paying him n he starts to lose his mind, n he actl killed e neighbour's cat by catching it running out e back door n squishing it by closing e door HARD, which i found extremely disgusting omg, isnt this animal cruelty? e flattened shape reminded mi of e rabbit tt got killed by tt hideous woman in e widely circulated vid rawr...plus his wife's ex-boss comes to find her to ask her to go back to work (actl tt boss is a pervert n def is juz trying to get her back to him), Thee notices tt but he misinterprets signs in e hse n thinks tt his wife is having an affair. so he briefly entertains e thought of killing her by shooting her in e head (which got mi believing it was real at first wakao) aft which it was shown tt its all in his head, but it shows one thing man. he is def v v close to MENTAL ohmiens
anw his neighbours got killed (e father committed suicide aft killing e mother, son n granny by shooting their heads off, or rather parts of their heads off, which we sorta get to see whn their spirits walk ard lik nobody's business scaring others haha). thing is, Thee&family only realise their deaths whn e police arrives (neighbours were dead for a while le but they still "saw" them just the past few days, meaning its either in their imagination or something). We were already shown e brutal nature of e father as Parn has noticed bruise marks on e wife's neck n e cruel way he treats his son n wife. it is ltr made known tt e guy was losing big money in his business while his mum oso needed treatment, n his wife borrowed frm ppl in e neighbourhood. finally he cldnt take it n bang bang.
Parn cannot take it n so she wans to move out while Thee is still self-delusional n intends to stay put where he thinks he can make things right n have his family together tho its making him go insane with e $$ issue. then its e weekends n Nan comes back home from her granny's only to be told by her mum to pack her things fully so they can leave. Nan collects her laundry n her handkerchief flew to e neighbour's so she goes to pick it up n meets face to face with e neighbour mum (dead rmb) aft a lil hide n seek. she goes crazy n is brought to e hospital where she carn calm down. n im amazed with her lung power haha scream n scream wakao. Parn is v angry with Thee for still loving e hse so much even aft all e haunting so Thee leaves dejectedly carrying lil Nat home.
Here we come to e near end le!!! Nat has been playing with Golf (not e game, but e neighbour's son) all this time n he still plays with him altho Golf is D.E.A.D haiz cute boy, not so smart brains, n v v troublesome haha n without him, i think many stuff cld be prevented haiz
So while sleeping with Nat at night, Thee suddenly wakes up to find him missing.He goes bonkers trying to find him n end up in e neighbour's hse. here we get a glimpse of where on e face e neighbour shot his family hahaha one super duper farnie scene was where Thee came face to face with Golf n attempts to ask him whether or not Nat is in his house n where. I was seriously wondering how e poor dead kid answer him as most prob his mouth has been blown off haha i think e scene was scary but e screenwriter totally made it hilarious. We learnt tt it was Golfs bdae or sth cuz we see a half-eaten cake n a drawing happy birthday kinda thing. tho im confused as to whether it was his bdae when he died, or tt actual day was his bdae n e cake we see is a ghost cake HAHAH =-= im getting delirious...ok ahem so Thee was looking at e drawing when Golf magically appears lik all ghosts tt r supposed to b scary do. He is terrified n doesnt dare to put down e drawing, using it to cover e face haha then he asks e first qn "Golf, is Nat here?" *ghost Golf nods head* then e stoopid second qn ahha "Golf, where?" then e little ghost raises his hand n starts to tear e drawing frm e middle, attempting to show his face to answer (see so kind, but Thee is scared to death n e audience in e theatre were laughing lik mad). In e end, we see only a bloody mess which is quite blurred, not mosaic but blur. Thee goes crazy screaming before he answers (which i bet he carn haha) n runs off.
Now e climax sia...Thee is facing e father who appears whole (god noes where he shot himself to suicide) n e whole scene is recreated with e other family members lying dead ard in one of e rooms. e father has a gun, while Thee also has one, he grabbed it frm his hse before running to e neighbour's (good sense, u have a gun, ure facing ghosts =-=, i suppose they are invincible? tho they are not transparent). we see Parn reaching e hse aft getting Thee's call previously when Nat was first found lost, n then making her way to neighbour's hse aft seeing Thee in tt hse through their window. we also see little Nat playing hide n seek or something in e closet. nw e thing is, Thee is super duper stressed aft he attempts to shoot e father who flies towards him n disappears, n now he hears sounds on e stairs (his wife Parn running up), n he oso hears stuff frm e closet (Nat). He starts pointing e gun at both places n e audience is kept on our toes as we are lik OH SHIT NO NO n oso at e same time wondering exactly who he will hit.
Thee dies, everyone survives. This is lik a totally unexpected ending cannot take it man!!!!! rawr!!! ok so wad happened was tt Thee shot Nat in e end, n aft seeing fresh blood coming out, he realises tt its his son. at e same time, Parn bursts into e room n she follows his line of sight n realises its Nat too as he falls out of e closet. She carries him n cry, while Thee is distraught into shock. Aft a bit of wailing n making mi feel super sad liaoz, Nat sheds a tear n chokes a bit, showing life. My hopes went up a bit (i believe e whole theatre held their breath too). Parn turns to tell Thee tt Nat is alive n tts when we see Thee raise e gun to his skull n then too late BANG. wakao damn it, frigging wasted. WHY MUST E FRIGGING GUN STILL BE LOADED AFT BEING SHOT SO MANY TIMES AT E GHOST ETC?!
haiz.....so then we see a life after Thee's death n Parn explains wad we knew little of. We heard much earlier in a convo betwn Parn n her mum tt she actl had a shotgun wedding. Here she explains tt she was in uni when she found out she was pregnant n so she told Thee tt she wanted an abortion but end up Thee went to her parents n asked for her hand in marriage. Parn tells Nan how much Thee actl loved her n wanted to keep her with them instead of her granny n Nan oso sheds tears, thinking back on how she rebelled against her father haiz...sad sad T.T
ok frigging long synopsis with lil review haha just felt tt e storyline was too good n rich tt details shldnt be left out. at all. n ive already left out details abt e cat n a webcam thingy it has ard its neck.
anw found tis movie GREAT GREAT GREAT minus a few stuff tt i carn figure out if it was a mistake or wad (r ghosts supposed to b able to change their features? apparently e ghost Golf looked normal once, when he was in Thee's house but then his face got disfigured once back in his own hse? =-=) The cast n all e staff did a great job mixing horror, comedy, family genres into one movie. i tot e movie took more than 2 hrs when actl it was lesser than tt. somehow e content seems heavy but then its well-acted n well planned such tt it isnt information overload n it din take up too much time either awesome!
e horror part was scary at times but i think its mostly due to e sound effects (yet again). it keeps giving mi e creeps n keeps mi on e edge of my seat lik seriously. n for e first time, i kept my hand close to my mouth to keep mi frm making those lil screams at unexpected parts haha. laugh at mi, but my first scare/jump of e movie was when a dog suddenly appeared n barked =-= n it was at e front zzz was wondering if minus sound, will b as scary or not those parts haha but then some seriously scary parts e director n cast rly made it uber farnie too lik i mentioned above haha n lik there was also another scene, where e black cat owned by e neighbours granny had its webcam thingy ard its neck lost on Thee's lawn n Thee just took it n start looking thru, discovering tt Nat n Golf r playing near e murdered maid's hse. He runs to find them n finds fresh blood dripping frm e fridge which is secured with tape. thinking it is Nat, he tears it only to receive a call frm Parn saying tt Nat is back home le, then he stun looking at e fridge tt has been untaped. audience oso stun. then e fridge door opens slightly n using his long legs he closes it back wakao ppl started laughing haha then aft tt he is shown simply screaming n running outta tt hse XD love tt e scary parts r neutralised by farnie parts at times =D
n also, there's alwaes a lesson learnt, even in horror movies...this one teaches abt depression n its effects. ppl rly go crazy, lik slowly, then they turn to violence whihc is scary. good thing singapore doesnt allow guns, legally. but there are still so many ways to die, n kill. n we r hearing news of families being killed liddat too by depressed family members who think that they wld all b better off dead haiz...we must learn to relac la~ easier said than done hors haha mi victim of tt too tsktsk
ok shld end post, getting draggy, fingers chou jing le...

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