My mind is totally jumbled!!! gyahhhhhhh
I think I just spent almost 4 hours watching a 2 hour movie, and this is exclusive of the little breaks in between and dinner.
"Mr. Nobody" is sick, and I am not sure myself whether it is in a good way or bad T.T I'm just really confused and quite speechless right now. I had to rewind and rewatch a lot of scenes along the way, so if I caught this in the cinema I would have died of frustration and confusion once I came out. Or maybe I'll just bang my head against the cinema floor after the movie.
Anyway, another reason why I took double the time needed was because while rewinding, I was also attempting to make notes and figure out how many different possibilities/dimensions the movie was portraying. I remember I wiki-ed this movie previously when I found it on youtube and read that it was confusing but I totally forgot until I watched it =-= and I think wiki did mention the different scenarios and all that too but I shall type out what I managed to sieve out before reading wiki again haha, to prevent overwriting of opinions.
My (hopefully correct) analysis/deduction is that there were these scenarios playing out in the little kid(Nemo)'s mind:
- Went with mum, rejected Anna's offer to swim with her and her friends, ends up meeting Anna and her kids many years down the road and regrets
- Went with mum, swims with Anna and ends up "brother" and "sister" as Nemo's mum and Anna's dad gets together, but they stay as lovers who are eventually separated as Anna and her dad moves away after the parents' separation, meet several years later and vows to meet again by the lighthouse but rain smudged the number Anna asked Nemo to contact her at
- Went with mum, swims with Anna and ends up with her eventually in adulthood, Nemo becomes some "host" for some science/philosophy program but ends up drowning while trapped in the car after swerving into the river on the way back home from work
- Went with dad, Nemo falls in love with Elise but gives her up when seeing her with Stefano, the man she loves, and goes out venting in a motorcycle and gets into an accident, falls into a coma
- Went with dad, Nemo doesn't give Elise up but after their wedding they get into an accident and Elise dies, Nemo keeps his initial promise of spreading her ashes on Mars, there he meets the other scenario Anna who is studying time and a collision between meteorites and their space shuttle kills both of them
- Went with dad, Nemo doesn't give Elise up but after bearing 3 kids together, Elise is falling into depression and neglecting her duties as a mother and wife, being unable to forget about Stefano her first love and eventually leaves Nemo when she can no longer take it
- Went with dad, Nemo doesn't give Elise up and instead decides to marry the first girl that dances with him at some ball, Elise ignores him and dances with Stefano and to spite her, Nemo dances with Jeanne and bringing her home on his motorcycle, making a list of things to accomplish - marrying Jeanne, having two kids, owning a house and convertible etc, but ends up bored with his life after accomplishing all and do some coin-flipping again to decide what actions to take and eventually assumes the identity of a man named Daniel Jones, causing him to eventually be shot in the head after coming out of the water in the bathtub
Confusing much, eh. By the way, apparently it is revealed near the end that most of the 2 hours of movie you have been watching were just going on in the mind of 8/9 year old Nemo. Just a figment of his imagination of the consequences of choices he made. And the opening of the movie simply showed the ways he died after making different choices.
Ok done with reading wiki (again, since I forgot its contents from the first time), YAY my scenarios are quite accurate haha but seriously, if its gonna take rewinding to piece the puzzle pieces together, then I think it isn't such a good idea to watch it in cinemas, renting a DVD is better. And I totally didn't take note of the colour schemes -
red for passion/love (Anna), blue for depression (Elise), yellow for materialistic stuff (Jeanne). But now that I read it on wiki, yea I think I remember Jeanne being associated with yellow and Anna with red but not so much of blue for Elise. I guess the colour schemes were considered pretty subtle, not in-your-face kinda thing so we really need to be more attentive to catch it.
The little girls who said Hi to the child Nemo, in their colour schemes |
I liked how the movie incorporated butterfly effect, pigeon superstition and all that into the movie. The examples of how a low quality shoelace eventually caused the boy Nemo to lose his shoe while running, hindering him from getting to his mother, and also of how the adult Nemo choosing a cheaper pair of jeans caused a factory to relocate from Brazil to elsewhere and caused the unemployment of a man who boiled an egg few months down the road causing a micro climate that resulted in rain, which caused the ink noting Anna's contact number to run, and thus Nemo lost contact with Anna after managing to find her with much luck after many years.
My god, this movie review is making me type uber long sentences that are hard to read and digest, like the movie itself =-=
One problem with me is that I like to do mental calculations, of the addition and subtraction form mostly. Its almost like OCD. So when it was stated in the movie near the beginning that the character was born in 1975 and the year now is 2092 and a newspaper said that the guy is 118 years old, the wheels in my head started turning and I concluded that there is some calculation error, he should be 117 unless we take the guy's Korean age XD but anw, few minutes more into the movie, there was a mention that he is 117. =-= ok this was random.
Anyway, the 117 year old Nemo said to the journalist talking to him for half of the movie "What do you see when you look at me?......etc" and I was like O.o cuz i remember reading it on some shared link on facebook. I googled it and apparently it was just phrased quite similarly to
this poem written by this old man and spread by nurses. And since this poem was already posted in that thread in 2007 and Mr. Nobody is a 2009 movie, even if plagiarism is the case, its the scriptwriter's fault (but the content isn't exactly the same, just the contents of how the old man remembers himself as a young boy then young man).
Other little stuff that they focused on, maybe not of the very confusing but undeniably smart and artistic way of portraying life and choices, but directing (and erm issit called screenplay) wise, when the adolescent Anna and Nemo were getting intimate they filmed his/her (no idea) hair standing, like really starting to stand. Like omg. And also how when he sorta wake up from each scenario to jump to another, he will call out the name of the woman in another scenario. Ok bad explanation =-= simply put: when he woke up in an Anna dimension/situation, he called out for Jeanne when awoken; called Anna when in an Elise situation; called Elise when he woke up to Jeanne.
I am still confused yet awed at the same time so this cannot even really be considered a review, more like spoiler or rather guide to understanding this movie if I should decide to watching it a second time much later to see if I get further insights (highly doubt so). And the hibernation thingy for trip to Mars reminds me of that in Prometheus, which I haven't reviewed although it was eons ago when I watched it =-=
Ok abruptly end here cuz i need to ZZZ
UPDATE (2/8)!
I am fully awake now haha
I love Jared Leto's eyes!!! Really O.O very piercing and blue. I could drown in them. They managed to find a kid and an adolescent with similar eyes too but theirs not as scary and creepy. In the opening scenes, we can see the various situations in which Mr. Nobody will lose his life depending on his choices in life and one of them is the one where he gets shot in the head and we see him like knocked out dead and eyes still WIDE OPEN. Very freaky =-= and I realised that he does have a resemblance at certain angles and with a certain hairstyle (he had quite a few different hairstyles in the movie but I didn't take note if they had any symbolism/hint about the storyline).
see!!! its really O.O and looks like zac efron here |
His eyes I guess are the more shocked look kind haha compared to the intense kind of piercing eyes like Ian somerhalder's.
maybe it's really just due to the size of the eyes |
Gyahh I wish I could have light eye colour, so nice!!! T.T
Ok ahem, to comment about the acting, honestly, I didn't really take note, cuz the storyline alone was tough enough for me to take in. But I know for sure that Jared Leto didn't disappoint. He was also the one who acted as the 117 year old Nemo, albeit using plenty of makeup. Wakao, the way he manage to mimic the way elderly speak and facial expressions and all was 대박. Really. I was pleasantly surprised the other time when I found out he was from 30 seconds to mars. As in, I really thought he is some full time actor...i found a new idol man...
As for the rest of the actors, they were alright. None of them were cringeworthy actors. I specially want to mention the actress who acted as the adult Elise though. She was mostly crying inside the movie or acting super emo and she really pull it off. I have no idea if she is using makeup or method acting or what but her eyes were really puffy, like from crying for ages. And the way she cries and acts, is scary. As in, she really comes off as an extremely depressed mum probably also diagnosed with some mental disorder. But I don't know her name haha and I didn't really bother finding out now either haha
The T-ara thing hasn't cooled down yet. If only it wasn't negative stuff, I think this is pretty good publicity haha allkpop for one is already posting an article for each little action taken by the parties involved =-=
Was wondering why the entertainment companies refuse to reveal details about the exact reasons for dismissal like in the Jay Park situation, there were many rumors and accusations floating around about why he left and some are not nice, like he committed something really bad. And if the company keeps mum saying its for the artiste's own good, I don't know leh, it's quite 进退两难 too I guess, but really, it keeps the rest of the population wondering and jumping to conclusions about things. It could be that it was really something bad that he committed or the company was covering up and finding a way to dismiss him only - saying this kinda thing is quite an easy way out. But in this case, I think either the management doesn't know what's going on within T-ara and just doing their own jobs trying to keep the group afloat, or the management is in it together with the members that supposedly bullied Hwayoung. Cuz if the translations were correct, Jiyeon did say something like "good actor" which doesn't seem to be targeting any staff member or wad since the CEO insists that their "Determination" twitter stuff were talking about how when a big group of members and staff move together they need to work together crap. Like this doesn't really cover up their twitter posts? Plus Hwayoung's own reply targeted at their posts, saying determination alone is not enough at times. Like erm is she the only one defending a supposed staff member or someone who brought down the whole grp? =-= duno lah, just v arghs at the whole issue, cuz feels lik jaypark all over again. That contributed to me losing faith in kpop, plus the fact that there were too many groups debuting with no very obvious talent and catchy songs to boot.