last night watched the boys over flowers (kkotboda namja 꽃보다 남자) now showing on TV...ohmien im hating this vers more now...with the lan4 dubbing voices whihc sounds super duper GAY n the switching of songs and tunes used inside the drama...dammnnit lor wheres my SHINee's 'Stand By Me'???!!! the songs i heard just now like werent there in the beginning at all?! totally ruin the feel, like the songs actually used in the drama were much nicer n fit the scene more can? n gml just told mi that she heard "my destiny" frm witch yoohee, isnt this blatant plagiarising of some sort? carn KBS or someone sue channel U??? erxin.
ok for those who duno, Boys Over Flowers(BOF) / Hana Yori Dango / Meteor Garden is all abt this stoopid F4 n a girl. heard its the longest running manga or sth, not sure, nvr rly read the manga...now its been made into 3 adaptations so far: taiwanese drama Meteor Garden 流星花園, japanese drama Hana Yori Dango 花より男子(duno why it came out ltr than e tw one when e manga originated frm japan =.=) and now fresh frm the oven korean drama Kkotboda Namja 꽃보다 남자. heard theres supposed to be a chinese one soon too but obvs that wld be the greatest failure.
the three versions so far:

the various cast of each drama(read the flags)

ok so here's my humble opinion.

Meteor Garden was toooooo long ago dun rmb much abt it but rmb i did watch it and i hated the second season when the Michelle Saram or wadeva her name is entered the pic though she wasnt supposed to be a rly bad person i tink. and F4 was rly gay, but Vaness is hot now with shorter hair! since too long ago i carn comment on the plot nor the acting.

jap hana yori dango!!!!! tink the acting was much better compared to krn vers, given tt i cld actually feel the chemistry between Makino and Tsukasa. plot eh...all 3 shld be sama-sama rite. but the arrangement wise tink its quite commendable too each season is short and sweet as all jap dramas are and the pace is not too fast nor slow. only thing is think i read it on wiki, said their movie special called hana yori dango final or sth was high on movie ratings and ppl liked it. i din rly liek it much, mebe cuz i watched the final b4 i watched the 2 seasons of drama =.= looks wise they suffer. All 4 of them are not rly typical shuai ges but the 2 male leads grow on me as the show continues.

ah ok the one i watched last nite..best in terms of eye-candy. yes yes alot of ppl say the male lead in krn vers (Goo Jun Pyo acted by Lee Minho) looks like the male lead in tw vers (Dao Ming Si acted by Jerry Yan). i think the krn one is much hotter woots! of cuz minus the ahjumma curls. and Kim Hyun Joong (acting as Hanazawa Rui/Yoon Jihoo) and Kim Kibum (acting as Soujiroh/So Yi Jeong) are cute too!! Ignore the long hair for Kim Hyun Joong in the beginning, he looks better near the end. ohya tt reminds mi, i carn believe that channel U's opening got show a short scene with him putting his clothes on erps its obscene and its not hot thank you. ok acting wise erps, mostly fail for the leads. Kibum is ok in here leh not much scenes to fa hui. Hyunjoong is lifeless and i dun get how u can hear soemone on the phone with that thing on ur head?!

Geum Jandi is like hmm sometimes acting overboard so no comments tho i noe there r haters out there. on e other hand, think those minor char act even better mebe cuz they're veterans or sth? plot wise super sucky. arrangement of the scenes are luan4 they jump here and there then reappear at same scene the next epsiode whne everyone has forgotten. good hors. seriously must watch at one go liddat then replay to catch the stuff u missed. ohya realised channel U got cut some scenes i tink. either that or i was too bored and din pay attn. last nite one hor did they show the part when Jihoo answered the qn that Geum Jandi cldnt answer Goo JunPyo? JunPyo asked wad on earth cannot be bought with $$ n Jihoo suposedly said Air. got show that scene not? in my memory no leh. ok to make the whoel thing worse, channel U stops the scenes and cuts into adverts at weird parts liddat, or mebe i too used to watching on9 w/o interruption or wad.
ok time for some videos! i tried to dig up good ones with nice songs but eeyer...ok here goes

abt this song...theres a krn vers one leh! and my dear sungmin covered it..think nid to hear in HQ..
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