them singing, realised nvr put up any haha. this song not bad. i like them singing soft ballads more, like sukiyaki!!! =D rock oso good with that distortion guitar woots \^^/ but if its some weird erm happier song but not totally can high like rock they will start to move n some of them the movements are weird hahaha jolyn will agree.
n found their ages!!! as expected, not so young like koreans. but anw they not going idol lu xian. they are like ard 1982 that yr de. 3 of them. Shunsuke is like youngest 1984 which means 25 this yr~ KAZZ oldest. 1972 nia. thats like >=10 yrs diff frm the other grp members O.o
their schedule~
go visit their website! can hear them singin too.
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