Yay ok here's second part. but carn transfer all the photos leh. duno wad went wrong...carn see the LOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG escalators T^T
pics all taken erm last last thurs i tink.

taken while on the escalator i think. can see how tall it goes...this is not the highest yet wor...can see the rooftop of centrepoint
look at the cool ceiling~ somewhere near the Ramp i tink. lvl i forgot wad =.= why did they come up with weird names anw. mebe they waiting for OC to get hot, then ppl will use those as tags for the lvl nos.
Anw, went to the korean bbq restaurant called Nolboo Hangari Galbi to eat, like i mentioned prev. we asked the waiter/manager what he recommends cuz the menu erm..it was all raw meat. =.= how do i tell if its nice. im not a wild animal =.= he NICELY recommended one that was like $69 besides that one that he recommended, we ordered one plate of plain seafood fried rice. n the service charge and GST end up make us chalk up a $100+ bill. the thing he recommended was some mixed platter, which as he says since its our first time and stuff, shld try abit of everything (actually i think he meant, since its ur first time, mebe we shld milk ur wallets dry first then next time whether u come back or not is no prob :) sweet guy =.=) it contained beef, chicken, prawns, sausages(i have no idea how much this contributed to the price tag >.< ), pork ribs(which my parents complained were basically RIBS n no meat at all), pork belly strips(that was just the OIL) and corn(i have no idea how much this contributed to the $$ either). n came with it the salads and stuff (these were compliementary for all bbqed meals i think). they shld give us instructions i suspect that its like supposed to wrap the meat in the plain washed lettuce provided to eat like how i saw the lil cartoons eating duno wad in my koreasparkling widget on my desktop, cuz like near the end, my dad started to eat liddat ahha duno where he got that idea. then i tot EHHH ok mebe seriosuly to eat liddat. but the meat running out le. T^T ok went to look at the pics i cldnt upload. the mixed platter is called "Assorted Meat and Seafood Sampler" $69 for 900g confirm. heng ah i realise. he din ask us to order the one below it in the menu. "Assorted Fresh Beef Sampler" $79 for 470g only phew~

Cutlery set. look at that green plate. look like for eating nasi lemak rite...
all the appetisers, salads...they have like diff types of kimchi (?) not sure if all are kimchi. but they tasted differently. some more sweet, some more sour. spicy wise, dun use mi as a meter. ohya n i liked that sauce beside the cup. sweet sweet de nice for dipping with the bbqed meat.
ok of all the sucky stuff, one stood out, damn nice. i recommend man. its available as a stand-alone as well, nearer the front of the menu, so no nid to buy the platter and waste money. i rmb asking the waiter the 200g was like how many servings, he said for like one person only. it was ard $28 that 200g, pork lai de. then he pointed to that EXPENSIVE $69, 900g platter O.o ok so the dish is........*drumroll* i dun exactly rmb the name haha and WAHHHHHH~ my pic of the menu din have its name!! but i think it was beef. n i went to google abit yea got positive reviews wor ahah of the beef too. its marinate is SHIOK sia
HEAVENLY de nice~ i dun rmb the taste in my mouth since its been weeks but i rmb it to have a very nice smell (cuz of it being bbqed and all i guess) n it was sweet but not so sweet. n that kinda not raw but erm grassy taste (?) of the beef is covered perfectly. the
official website says that they used lik combi of apples and pears and 20 kinds of ingredients and store for 24 hrs. wow. no wonder the price >.<
ohya for those who dun take beef or like mi, dun wan seafood, the waiter said can ask them to reduce some stuff frm ur mixed platter(if ure ordering that, that is) n add more of the stuff u like. but obvs u carn say i wan nth but beef =.= most prob ur 900g will reduce to lik 450g WAHAHAHAHAHA
the dessert. erm red bean was weird. n damn sweet. not a fan. n its mostly ice shavings anw, ice kachang is better. ohya n this hor, is not buy de. its complimentary
ambience wise, not very korean. except for two things:
1) the girl at the front wearing a pseudo-hanbok. it din look very thick.
2) the songs they were playing!!! confirm not frm kcooltime de. cuz no announcement "u're listening to non-stop korean pop music, only on 96.3fm" haha my god i actually rmbed wad that pre-recorded voice alwaes says =.=
anw, the shop keeper or whoeva chose that song list is a 2NE1 fanboy man. heard quite a few songs frm them. was quite thankful there was no "nobody" woots~ after school was oso played twice liddat i tink. got SNSD, brown eyed girls n hmm i dun really rmb le. but got those not really idol grp de songs as well. i tink shld be the real shopkeeper real korean lai de n he chose de songs. he appeared like ard the time we were gonna leave. he looked korean at least. eyes small small de. ohya n my parents counted and said there were 4 burmese guys in the kitchen working + the one girl that was serving us oso burmese lai de. O.o my third lang will come in handy in the near future le. singapore ah seriously, rdy to be overtaken by foreigners =.= anw, serve us = grilling/bbqing the meat in front of us. they have some exhaust pipe to suck up the smell cuz they were using real charcoal and stuff sure smoky if not for tt thing. took pic but carn transfer. got some vacuum thingy i think, i keep hearing the sound.
ohya space wise abit crammed the table. not that its small. but those appetisers u saw up there? placed in front of us since the beginning n like if dun eat fast enuff, once the bbq meat is getting ready, no space to put the meat le. mebe cuz of that plate of seafood fried rice too i guess.
After eating went to walk walk ard in OC. now still not a lot of ppl, so no prob its really like personal shopping space. not like JP when it newly renovated. my god the ppl there >.<
saw a shop called "Urban Write" its some stationery shop. but its stationery is cute and nice and some abit high-end. got take pic of the nicer stuff but some carn transfer. here are those i cld transfer. first, try to guess wad they are.

Soap? ahha no erasers..ok mebe im the only one who wld think its soap =.=

these look lik sweets rite!! but they're erasers too, as seen frm that small sign up there.

this one looks quite simple. can try making it at home. can guess wad it is?

TADA! its a cardholder!! in diff nice colors.but i duno how u put cards nearer to the ends. they'll be horizontal le

my phone went out of batt, so this one is taken using 2MP de. its a 50yr calendar. it works man!! n will be useful if the world doesnt end in 2012 =D
got instructions there. u just have to turn it to align some stuff and wa-la~

this one oso low quality pic. carn really tell but the puzzle is just small squares that u have to put tgt to form a pic la. the only cool thing is that they;re 3d kinda images and acc to the back of that metal thing, they say its harder leh. though i counted like ard 20 pieces only. mebe the 3d makes it harder? duno...
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