thats my countdown meter to my next paper. haiz but damn sian. since the weather suddenly started to be less windy n much hotter, i start to fall aslp agn. actually, i see a trend. the day aft i go outta my hse, the next few days ill be slping =.= as in, like most of the day is spent on slping. waliew todae woke at 1030 sleepily take a shower to freshen up then ate my breakfast then tried to read computing. 1230 boom knockout. woke at 230. WTH IS WRONG WITH ME?! n i still feel like slping. then my last resort wld have to be to on the com. n that leads to mi not just listenin to music but procrastinating. so that its no diff frm slping. except mebe slping is actually betta since i do get some beauty slp~
and talking abt beauty sleep, YAY haha my skin condition is improving!! not that it was THAT bad b4 or wad. but while working during hols, must be too stressed by ppl at work or wad got alot of pimples liddat n once they start, they dun normally get well, cuz i scratch them. i noe. i shldnt. now i think shld be cuz of slp, since the "break" for exams started, the redness start to clear. but duno why still got the pokpoks like my pores seriously duno when got enlarged and they dun seem to be getting smaller T^T HOW?!
ok anw, i link n link n i found this! damn interesting. mebe i suagu or wad, din noe it b4 but yea still find it cool
six degrees of separation wah if u cld really create this human web thingy and prove this theory right, might just some nobel prize, duno for wad tho XD just goes to show how connected this whole world is i guess. haha when i was wuliao-chatting with husky n started talking abt time-travel machines and aliens controlling the earthlings, we got consider that if there was indeed a time-travel machine. it'll be damn hard to just change ur own past/future w/o affecting others, haha just like one of my fav movies "Back to the future" shows.
n found out that u noe those electronic devices thingy that asks u to ask somehting then u press a button n they come up with some answer? din realise it was like taken frm a ball thats supposedly called a "Magic Meatball" or sth liddat. n the inventor is a son of a clairvoyant. spelling correct? anw, duno how genes help in u inventing something that actually works though. but hor fortune telling kinda stuff are just intriguing. its not a study or wad either but ppl are acutally just guessing rite? why do we believe in these ppl? esp if they look very eerie and creepy while telling u ur fortune. =.= think its just our lack of confidence in ourselves and blah. wanna see if can change ourfuture or sth. but in the end, it might just be like ECONS. a self-fulfilling prophecy. haiz.
mi being suagu agn. im easily amazed man =.= din realise theres this website called 4chan. so jap rite. but its english based de. copying some jap site called 2chan. anonymous ppl can post stuff and all that. n they were responsible for most of the in/famous viral stuff!!!
RICKROLLING was by them. haha stoopid man...but the song is okok haha but the person and the voice TOTALLY dun match =.=
CHOCOLATE RAIN was by them too. (for those who duno wad this is, vid is below. haha first intro-ed to this by my colleagues, they stoopid la haha got alot weird videos too.)
PEDOBEAR too! duno where i heard of this b4 though. hmm allkpop? but dun really noe the origins or when its used.
anw 4chan, siao read on wiki the guy who started it all, now 21, is in $20,000 debt since Feb 2009. ok plus now recession, poor him. n somehow i expected a jap-american. no leh that "administrator" is an angmoh O.O
on wiki, abt 4chan, "further proof as well of the Social impact of the YouTube phenomenon that creativity is everywhere and new media is less accessible"
u noe got all those singlish. konglish. i nvr realise they got chinglish too. just took it all as engrish. n wiki actually shows a result for engrish. is it really an official word? O.o n yea i realised that my speaking is just totally warped T^T tried conversing in burmese thru the phone last nite with my mum's fren's son n HE DIDNT UNDERSTAND ME!!! "eh u can talk to mi in english" was his reply. kanasai. is it THAT bad? weird thing is, the auntie(his mother) understands =.= n i realise that i sorta use the english format of speaking/writing for my burmese too. so the sentence structure is a bit weird and all. so i think native speakers wun get wad im trying to say at first hearing(?), they need to allow time for stunnedness n thinking n jumbling the words back into the correct sentence structure b4 they get it T.T ok fine, i shld brush up on my burmese during the hols first b4 i embark on learning another language rite.
n the chocolate rain vid as promised =D he looks like michael jackson =.=
ohya sidenote, yuan lai nigahiga surpassed fred on no. of subscribers just this 20 august 2009 O.o
but anw fred broke the record first haha of hitting one million. im a fan of fred!! just watched the nigahiga vid on asian dramas' de rant. haah true all those stuff he said. but like more typical of korean drama. not jap ones i guess. ppl dun really die too much, do they? ok unless talking abt 1 litre of tears or koizora that kinda erm they're supposed to be true stories rite. aiya life is abit life AND death marh...wad u expect...
ok off to zoom! not boomz mind u. zoom was created by someone else longer ago. if im not wrong it was "zoom". shit my memory is failing mi. nid to store space for 2 more papers. chiong ah~ omo spent lik 50mins typing this. ok this shld be the longest post now haha cuz no pics somemore =D woots!
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