Friday, November 27, 2009
3 more days...n interesting facts =D
and talking abt beauty sleep, YAY haha my skin condition is improving!! not that it was THAT bad b4 or wad. but while working during hols, must be too stressed by ppl at work or wad got alot of pimples liddat n once they start, they dun normally get well, cuz i scratch them. i noe. i shldnt. now i think shld be cuz of slp, since the "break" for exams started, the redness start to clear. but duno why still got the pokpoks like my pores seriously duno when got enlarged and they dun seem to be getting smaller T^T HOW?!
ok anw, i link n link n i found this! damn interesting. mebe i suagu or wad, din noe it b4 but yea still find it cool
six degrees of separation wah if u cld really create this human web thingy and prove this theory right, might just some nobel prize, duno for wad tho XD just goes to show how connected this whole world is i guess. haha when i was wuliao-chatting with husky n started talking abt time-travel machines and aliens controlling the earthlings, we got consider that if there was indeed a time-travel machine. it'll be damn hard to just change ur own past/future w/o affecting others, haha just like one of my fav movies "Back to the future" shows.
n found out that u noe those electronic devices thingy that asks u to ask somehting then u press a button n they come up with some answer? din realise it was like taken frm a ball thats supposedly called a "Magic Meatball" or sth liddat. n the inventor is a son of a clairvoyant. spelling correct? anw, duno how genes help in u inventing something that actually works though. but hor fortune telling kinda stuff are just intriguing. its not a study or wad either but ppl are acutally just guessing rite? why do we believe in these ppl? esp if they look very eerie and creepy while telling u ur fortune. =.= think its just our lack of confidence in ourselves and blah. wanna see if can change ourfuture or sth. but in the end, it might just be like ECONS. a self-fulfilling prophecy. haiz.
mi being suagu agn. im easily amazed man =.= din realise theres this website called 4chan. so jap rite. but its english based de. copying some jap site called 2chan. anonymous ppl can post stuff and all that. n they were responsible for most of the in/famous viral stuff!!!
RICKROLLING was by them. haha stoopid man...but the song is okok haha but the person and the voice TOTALLY dun match =.=
CHOCOLATE RAIN was by them too. (for those who duno wad this is, vid is below. haha first intro-ed to this by my colleagues, they stoopid la haha got alot weird videos too.)
PEDOBEAR too! duno where i heard of this b4 though. hmm allkpop? but dun really noe the origins or when its used.
anw 4chan, siao read on wiki the guy who started it all, now 21, is in $20,000 debt since Feb 2009. ok plus now recession, poor him. n somehow i expected a jap-american. no leh that "administrator" is an angmoh O.O
on wiki, abt 4chan, "further proof as well of the Social impact of the YouTube phenomenon that creativity is everywhere and new media is less accessible"
u noe got all those singlish. konglish. i nvr realise they got chinglish too. just took it all as engrish. n wiki actually shows a result for engrish. is it really an official word? O.o n yea i realised that my speaking is just totally warped T^T tried conversing in burmese thru the phone last nite with my mum's fren's son n HE DIDNT UNDERSTAND ME!!! "eh u can talk to mi in english" was his reply. kanasai. is it THAT bad? weird thing is, the auntie(his mother) understands =.= n i realise that i sorta use the english format of speaking/writing for my burmese too. so the sentence structure is a bit weird and all. so i think native speakers wun get wad im trying to say at first hearing(?), they need to allow time for stunnedness n thinking n jumbling the words back into the correct sentence structure b4 they get it T.T ok fine, i shld brush up on my burmese during the hols first b4 i embark on learning another language rite.
n the chocolate rain vid as promised =D he looks like michael jackson =.=
ohya sidenote, yuan lai nigahiga surpassed fred on no. of subscribers just this 20 august 2009 O.o
but anw fred broke the record first haha of hitting one million. im a fan of fred!! just watched the nigahiga vid on asian dramas' de rant. haah true all those stuff he said. but like more typical of korean drama. not jap ones i guess. ppl dun really die too much, do they? ok unless talking abt 1 litre of tears or koizora that kinda erm they're supposed to be true stories rite. aiya life is abit life AND death marh...wad u expect...
ok off to zoom! not boomz mind u. zoom was created by someone else longer ago. if im not wrong it was "zoom". shit my memory is failing mi. nid to store space for 2 more papers. chiong ah~ omo spent lik 50mins typing this. ok this shld be the longest post now haha cuz no pics somemore =D woots!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
random rant abt 96.3fm
tonite is soshi nite!!! they played older songs like INTW, Honey n then they got to the newer Etude and got cut off.
tonite totally proved my theory that 96.3fm only plays pop songs aft 9.30 liddat WRONG ahha. cuz they kept playing the famous idol grp songs tonite woots. haha n hor ive heard 4minute's "Hot Issue" for duno how many times that its sorta getting on my nerves. not tat it wasnt already =.= cuz of Hyunah's totally high-pitched rapping here. she sounds much better when at a lower pitch =)
got my korean notes today! frm senior. im sorta freaking out cuz obvs, i duno alot of words yet n when i see the notes. just stunned cuz all in korean. then realise at the back got abit english. i think mebe its like my senior din take down any notes in english or wad. i even saw jap scribblings at one page can O.O mebe she used jap to translate her korean. WTH hahaha i shld write burmese. just that i duno how to =.= im a failure man. gonna try multitasking learning two lang this hol! duno if can handle it given my lack of time due to work and my relatives coming over agn. but tis time they staying for a week only, n i suspect its gonna be my busy week at work. duno whether can bring them ard leh~
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Orchard Central trip no. 2
pics all taken erm last last thurs i tink.
look at the cool ceiling~ somewhere near the Ramp i tink. lvl i forgot wad =.= why did they come up with weird names anw. mebe they waiting for OC to get hot, then ppl will use those as tags for the lvl nos.
Anw, went to the korean bbq restaurant called Nolboo Hangari Galbi to eat, like i mentioned prev. we asked the waiter/manager what he recommends cuz the menu was all raw meat. =.= how do i tell if its nice. im not a wild animal =.= he NICELY recommended one that was like $69 besides that one that he recommended, we ordered one plate of plain seafood fried rice. n the service charge and GST end up make us chalk up a $100+ bill. the thing he recommended was some mixed platter, which as he says since its our first time and stuff, shld try abit of everything (actually i think he meant, since its ur first time, mebe we shld milk ur wallets dry first then next time whether u come back or not is no prob :) sweet guy =.=) it contained beef, chicken, prawns, sausages(i have no idea how much this contributed to the price tag >.< ), pork ribs(which my parents complained were basically RIBS n no meat at all), pork belly strips(that was just the OIL) and corn(i have no idea how much this contributed to the $$ either). n came with it the salads and stuff (these were compliementary for all bbqed meals i think). they shld give us instructions i suspect that its like supposed to wrap the meat in the plain washed lettuce provided to eat like how i saw the lil cartoons eating duno wad in my koreasparkling widget on my desktop, cuz like near the end, my dad started to eat liddat ahha duno where he got that idea. then i tot EHHH ok mebe seriosuly to eat liddat. but the meat running out le. T^T ok went to look at the pics i cldnt upload. the mixed platter is called "Assorted Meat and Seafood Sampler" $69 for 900g confirm. heng ah i realise. he din ask us to order the one below it in the menu. "Assorted Fresh Beef Sampler" $79 for 470g only phew~
the dessert. erm red bean was weird. n damn sweet. not a fan. n its mostly ice shavings anw, ice kachang is better. ohya n this hor, is not buy de. its complimentary
ambience wise, not very korean. except for two things:
1) the girl at the front wearing a pseudo-hanbok. it din look very thick.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Orchard Central trip no. 1
cover of menu
ok good luck to mi for phy test in a like less htan 12hrs..=.=
Sunday, November 8, 2009
n theres this one:
ok first, the still on that video at the front looks like wheesung rite. the guy in the previous post =.= i initially tot they looked similar WAHAHAHH thats a disgrace to wheesung. haiz..anw this guy i rmb he oso got join a blogging contest frm samsung. for omnia II i think. forgot if he won, i think he did hmm...
anw, ok GAY GAY GAY. but totally shocked at 1:50 SPLITS. ok i carn do that. so im amazed and very appreciative of wad they did. n frm wad i see, they did the recording mostly/all in orchard. they went to orchard central!!! the same floor as Central Thai and Nolboo Hangari Korean BBQ restaurant where i went to eat YUM =D their choreo change until quite ok. n since they're all tall n lanky, it actually looks quite nice and organised. not just rdm stuff. so as much as its indeed really gay, u still gotta admit that they dance better than u do :) so im not bashing anyone here, pls note.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
OC loves kpop
so talk abt the scenery outside OC that i din manage to take a pic anw, cuz my phone batt went out n my mum's 2mp is not enuff to capture the splendour.
anw, Orchard now has hanging lights something like in this video,
very meng4 huan4 hor...but its high up there so u carn really stand inside like wheesung did to bask n take nice pictures or some cool "MV". the colours only two i tink if i rmb correctly. white and blue or sth liddat. n the movement is down only. no up. realised htat wheesung likes those sticks too. he used them in two performances including this one. found the other perf while searching for this vid. the other perf had the sticks stuck in the wall at the back. mebe economy is bad, nid to reuse. save the earth! =D
Friday, November 6, 2009
random post
saw this:
damn stoopid i pasted the link to quite a few people on9 n told everyone how biased NUS is ahha stoopid la read carefully, last para dun have anything abt how NUS plans to improve, cuz mebe in the first place they used a totally CARELESS mistake to talk abt. plus the "expert" making comments are by some NUS guy, who def must "protect" NUS since his cheque depends on it =.= n please la did u actually need to find some expert? can just grab an english tcher frm a like JC or sec sch who wld be more impartial? plus dun use just one example each and be more objective in reporting. i dun believe that that is the only mistake in the WHOLE of NUS? unless u tell mi that they dun print much flyers or wadsoeva. n anw, i only knew this word - freshmEn. nvr knew that there was a singular form for it, cuz we've been using the plural form mostly anw. so ok that was indeed an eye-opener. kudos "expert".
another rdm news...nothing much to comment on the content, din read the whole thing carefully. just the title is enuff. ok when there are enuff foreigners, it will seriously becum a totally non-Singaporean place to live. n as u noe, they alwaes say "when in rome, do as the romans do". for what? to fit into social norms in that particular place, n when singapore is infiltrated with foreigners, soon it'll be the singaporeans who need to fit in. to wadeva culture becums the majority in the near future. anw, abt foreigners, there's more and more burmese man...ytd went to orchard central to eat at the korean bbq restaurant, i think most of the waiters were burmese omg haha really a large influx.
to continue with the randomness heres videos of two great songs by two great groups WHEE~~~